Tuesday 6 August 2013

Dr Krishna Reviews on Immunotoxins


Dr. Hari Krishna says immunotoxins are made by attaching toxins (poisonous substances from plants or bacteria) to monoclonal antibodies. Various immunotoxins have been made by attaching bacterial toxins such as diphtheria toxin (DT) or Pseudomonas exotoxin (PT), or plant toxins such as ricin A or saporin to monoclonal antibodies.

Clinical trials of immunotoxins are in progress for people with leukemia, lymphoma, brain tumors, and other cancers. Cancer-Healer is able to cure these cancers with miraculous results.

Dr. Hari Krishna says that patient must conduct studies of new treatments to answer the following questions:

§ Is the treatment likely to be helpful?

§ Does this new type of treatment work?

§ Does it work better than other treatments already available?

§ What side effects does the treatment cause?

§ Do the benefits outweigh the risks, including side effects?

§ In which patients is the treatment most likely to be helpful?

To find out more about clinical trials, ask your cancer care team. Among the questions you should ask are:

§ What is the purpose of the study?

§ What kinds of tests and treatments does the study involve?

§ What does this treatment do?

§ What is likely to happen to me with, or without, this new research treatment?

§ What are my other choices and their advantages and disadvantages?

§ How could the study affect my daily life?

§ What side effects can I expect from the study? Can the side effects be controlled?

§ Will I have to be hospitalized? If so, how often and for how long?

§ Will the study cost me anything? Will any of the treatment be free?

§ If I were harmed as a result of the research, what treatment would I be entitled to?

§ What type of long-term follow-up care is part of the study?

§ Has the treatment been used to treat other types of cancers?


Renal Cell Carcinoma (Kidney Cancer), Lymphomas, Myelomas, and Leukemia (A.M.L., A.L.L., C.M.L., C.L.L. & Hairy Cell Carcinoma), Breast Cancer, NHL, Hodgkin's lymphoma, Cervix Cancer, uterus Cancer, Pancreas Cancer, Gallbladder Cancer, ColoRectal Cancer, Prostrate Cancer, Ovarian Cancer, Liver Cancer, Tongue Cancer, Osteogenic Sarcoma, Astrocytoma, Glioma, Retinoblastoma, Chondrosarcoma, Carposy Sarcoma (at last which is converted into AIDS) :- These cancers can be treated and cured successfully by CANCER-HEALER having remarkable ability to provide succor & relief to a greater extent on immune system and develops immunity in body.

Nutrition and diet in Cancer

Existing scientific evidence suggests that about one-third of the cancer deaths that occur in the US each year is due to dietary factors. 

Anotherthird is due to cigarette smoking. Therefore, for the majority of Americans who do not use tobacco, dietary choices and physical activity become the most important modifiable determinants of cancer risk. The evidence also indicates that although genetics are a factor in the development of
cancer, heredity does not explain all cancer occurrences. Behavioral factors such as tobacco use, dietary choices, and physical activity modify the risk of cancer at all stages of its development. The introduction of healthful diet and exercise practices at any time from childhood to old age can promote health and is likely to reduce cancer risk.

Many dietary factors can affect cancer risk: types of foods, food preparation methods, portion sizes, food variety, and overall caloric balance. Cancer risk can be reduced by an overall dietary pattem that includes a high proportion of plant foods (fruits, vegetables, grains, and beans), limited amounts of meat, dairy, and other high-fat foods, and a balance of caloric intake and physical activity.

Based on its review of the scientific evidence, the American Cancer Society revised its nutrition guidelines in 1996 (the guidelines were last updated in 1991). The Society's recommendations are consistent in principle with the 1992 US Department of Agriculture (USDA) Food Guide Pyramid, the 1995 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, and dietary recommendations of other agencies for general health promotion and for the prevention of coronary heart disease, diabetes, and other diet-related chronic conditions. Although no diet can guarantee full protection against any disease, the Society believes that the following recommendations
offer the best nutrition information currently available to help Americans reduce their risk of cancer.

Choose most of the foods you eat from plant sources.

Eat five or more servings of fruits and vegetables each day; eat other foods from plant sources, such as breads, cereals, grain products, rice, pasta, or beans several times each day. Many scientific studies show that eating fruits and vegetables (especially green and dark yellow vegetables and those in the cabbage family, soy products, and legumes) protect for cancers at many sites, particularly for cancers of the gastrointestinal and respiratory tracts. Grains are an important source of many vitamins and minerals such as folate, calcium, and selenium, all of which have been associated with a lower risk of colon cancer. Beans (legumes) are especially rich in nutrients that may protect against cancer. .

Limit your intake of high-fat foods, particularly from animal sources.

Choose foods low in fat; limit consumption of meats, especially high-fat meats. High-fat diets have been associated with an increase in the risk of cancers of the colon and rectum, prostate, and endometrium. The association between high-fat diets and the risk of breast cancer is much weaker. Whether these associations are due to the total amount of fat, the particular type of fat (saturated, monounsaturated, or polysaturated), the calories contributed by fat, or some other factor in food fats, has not yet been determined. Consumption of meat, especially red meat, has been associated with increased cancer risk at several sites, most notably colon and prostate.

Be physically active: achieve and maintain a healthy weight.

Physical activity can help protect against some cancers, either by balancing caloric intake with energy expenditure or by other mechanisms. An imbalance of caloric intake and energy output can lead to overweight, obesity, and increased risk for cancers at several sites: colon and rectum, prostate, endometrium, breast (among postmenopausal women), and kidney. Both physical activity and controlled caloric intake are necessary to achieve or to maintain a healthy body weight.

Limit consumption of alcoholic beverages, if you drink at all.

Alcoholic beverages, along with cigarette smoking and use of snuff and chewing tobacco, cause cancers of the oral cavity, esophagus, and larynx. The combined use of tobacco and alcohol leads to a greatly increased risk of oral and esophageal cancers; the effect of tobacco and alcohol combined is greater than the sum of their individual effects. Studies also have noted an association between alcohol consumption and an increased risk of breast cancer. The mechanism of this effect is not yet known, but the association may be due to carcinogenic actions of alcohol or its metabolites, to alcohol-induced changes in levels of hormones such as estrogens, or to some other process.

Environmental cancer risks

Environmental causes probably account for well over half of all cancer cases. Most environmental risks are determined by lifestyle choices (smoking, diet, etc.), while the rest arise in community and workplace settings. The degree of cancer hazard posed by these voluntary and involuntary risks depends on the concentration or intensity of the carcinogen and the exposure dose a person received. In situations where high levels of carcinogens are present and where exposures are extensive, significant hazards may exist, but where concentrations are low and exposures limited, hazards are often negligible. However, when low-dose exposures are widespread, they can represent significant public health hazards (for example, secondhand tobacco smoke). Strong regulatory control and constant attention to safe occupational practices are required to minimize the workplace potential for exposure to highdose carcinogens.

Risk Assessment

Risks are assessed to protect people against unsafe exposures and to set appropriate environmental standards. The risk assessment process has two steps. The first identifies the chemical or physical nature of a hazard and its cancer-producing potential, both in clinical and epidemiologic studies and in laboratory tests using animals or cell systems. Special attention is given to any evidence suggesting that cancer risk increases with increases in exposure. The second step measures the concentrations of the substance in the environment (air, water, food, etc.) and the extent to which people are actually exposed (how much they eat of a particular food, use a particular water source, etc.). Knowledge of how the body absorbs chemicals or is exposed to radiation is essential for such dose measurements.

Unfortunately, evidence of risk for most potential carcinogens is usually the result of high-dose experiments on animals or observations where high-dose exposures have occurred in humans. To use such information to set human safety standards, scientists must extrapolate from animals to humans and from high-dose to low-dose conditions. Because both extrapolations involve much uncertainty, conservative assumptions are used so that risk assessment will err on the side of safety. For cancer safety standards, only increased risks of one case or less per million. persons over a lifetime are usually acceptable.

Safety standards developed in this way for chemical or radiation exposures are the basis for federal regulatory activities at the Food and Drug Administration, the Environmental Protection Agency, and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration. The application of laws and procedures by which standards are implemented and risks are controlled is called risk management.


Various chemicals (for example, benzene, asbestos, vinyl chloride, arsenic, aflatoxin) show definite evidence of human carcinogenicity; . others are considered probable human carcinogens based on evidence from animal experiments (for example, chloroform, dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane [DDT], formaldehyde, polychlorinated biphenyls [PCBs], polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons). Often in the past, direct evidence of

human carcinogenicity has come from studies of workplace conditions involving sustained, high-close exposures. Occasionally, risks are greatly increased when particular exposures occur together (for example, asbestos exposure and cigarette smoking).


Only high-frequency radiation-ionizing radiation (IR) and ultraviolet (UV) radiation-has been proven to cause human cancer. Exposure to sunlight (UV radiation) causes almost all cases of basal and squamous cell skin
cancer and is a major cause of skin melanoma. Disruption of the earth's ozone layer by atmospheric chemical pollution (the "ozone hole") may lead to rising levels of UV radiation.

Evidence that high-close IR (x-rays, radon, etc.) causes cancer comes from studies of atomic bomb survivors, patients receiving radiotherapy, and certain occupational groups (for example, uranium miners). Virtually any part of the body can be affected by IR, but especially bone marrow and the thyroid gland. Diagnostic medical and dental x-rays are set at the lowest dose levels possible to minimize risk without losing image quality. Radon exposures in homes can increase lung cancer risk, especially in cigarette smokers; remedial actions may be needed if radon levels are too high.

Unproven Risks

Public concern about environmental cancer risks often focuses on risks for which no carcinogenicity has been proven or on situations where known carcinogen exposures are at such low levels that risks are negligible. For example:

Pesticides. Many kinds of pesticides (insecticides, herbicides, etc.) are widely used in producing and marketing our food supply. Although high doses of some of these chemicals cause cancer in experimental animals, the very low concentrations found in some foods are generally well within established safety levels. Environmental pollution by slowly degraded pesticides such as DOT, a result of past agricultural practices, can lead to food chain bioaccumulation and to persistent residues in body fat. Such residues have been suggested as a possible risk factor for breast cancer. Studies have shown that concentrations in tissue are low, however, and the evidence has not been conclusive. Continued research regarding pesticide use is essential for maximum food safety, improved food production through alternative pest control methods, and reduced pollution of the environment. In the meantime, pesticides playa valuable role in sustaining our food supply. When properly controlled, the minimal risks they pose are greatly overshadowed by the health benefits of a diverse diet rich in foods from plant sources.

Non-ionizing radiation. Electromagnetic radiation at frequencies below ionizing and ultraviolet levels has not been shown to cause cancer. While some epidemiologic studies suggest associations with cancer, others do not, and experimental studies have not yielded reproducible evidence of carcinogenic mechanisms. Low-frequency radiation includes radiowaves, microwaves, and radar, as well as power frequency radiation arising from the electric and magnetic fields associated with electric currents (extremely low-frequency radiation).

Toxic wastes. Toxic wastes in dump sites can threaten human health through air, water, and soil pollution. Although many toxic chemicals contained in such wastes can be carcinogenic at high doses, most community exposures appear to involve very low or negligible dose levels. Clean-up of existing dump sites and close control of toxic

Dr Krishna Reviews on how immune therapy helps


Dr. Hari Krishna claims sometimes, a patient's immune system will not recognize cancer cells as foreign 

because the cancer cells' antigens are not different enough from those of normal cells to cause an immune 

reaction. Or, the immune system may recognize cancer cells, but provides a response that is not strong 

enough to destroy the cancer. Various kinds of immunotherapies have been designed to help the immune 

system recognize cancer cells as a target for attack, and to strengthen the attack so that it will destroy the 



Dr. Krishna strongly says that immunotherapies can be divided into several broad categories:

· Nonspecific immunotherapies and adjuvants

· Active specific immunotherapies (cancer vaccines)

· Passive immunotherapies (monoclonal antibodies)

Sometimes, doctors will use two or more of these immunotherapy options together. Some tumors are more 

effectively attacked by one kind of immune system cell than another, so doctors and researchers use that 

knowledge when designing and applying immunotherapies.


People are most familiar with vaccines that use weakened or killed viruses, bacteria, or other germs, and are 

given to healthy people to prevent an infectious disease. Doctors knew by the early 1800's that smallpox, a 

serious disease of humans, could be prevented by intentionally exposing a person to a virus that caused a 

similar disease of cows, known as cowpox. Because the Latin word for cow is vacca , the cowpox virus 

was named vaccinia , and the process of intentionally exposing people to a disease to prevent more serious 

one became known as vaccination.

A cancer vaccine contains cancer cells, parts of cells, or chemically pure antigens and causes increased 

immune response against cancer cells present in the patient's body. Cancer vaccines are considered active 

immunotherapies, because substances are injected into the patient that are meant to trigger an active 

response by the patient's own immune system. Cancer vaccines cause the immune system to produce 

antibodies to one or several antigens, and/or to produce cytotoxic T lymphocytes to attack cancer cells that 

have those antigens. Vaccines may also be combined with nonspecific immunotherapy using additional 

substances or cells called adjuvants, to boost the immune response.


These vaccines use cancer cells obtained either from the patient being treated or from another patient. The 

tumor cells are killed, usually by radiation, before they are injected into the patient so that they cannot form 

more tumors. But, antigens on the tumor cell surfaces are still there, and they stimulate a specific immune 

system response. As a result, the patient's cancer cells carrying these antigens are recognized and attacked. 

Doctors may also mix the dead tumor cells with other substances known to increase the immune response. 

These substances are referred to as non-specific adjuvants, meaning that the general boost they give to the 

immune system is meant to improve the effectiveness of the vaccine.

Dr. Krishna recommended one reason for using whole tumor cells in vaccines, instead of individual antigens, 

is that not all cancer antigens have been identified yet. Using the whole tumor cell may expose the patient's 

immune system to a large number of antigens, including some that could not be produced and injected 

separately because they have not yet been discovered.

When the patient's own tumor cells are used to create a vaccine, these cells typically do not cause a strong 

immune response to begin with and may even give off substances that suppress the immune system. 

Researchers have sought to overcome those problems by altering the patient's tumor cells before reinjecting 

them. This may involve treatments with certain chemicals that alter substances on the cell surface, or the 

addition of specific DNA sequences that instruct the tumor cells to produce new substances that attract 

immune system cells. Cytokines (natural immune system hormones) that stimulate activity of immune system 

cells may be able to counteract the actions of the substances tumors give off to suppress the immune system. 

Researchers may treat patients with some cytokines as part of the vaccine process, and are looking at ways 

to get the body to produce more of those cytokines.

Because of the difficulty in making a new autologous vaccine for every patient, researchers looked at ways 

to create tumor cell vaccines that could be effective in any patient with a particular kind of cancer. One way 

of doing that is to use cells grown in the lab from a cancer originally removed from another patient. Those 

allogenic cells are killed and given to the patient, usually along with one or more adjuvant substances known 

to stimulate the growth or activity of immune system cells.

Tumor cell vaccines are being studied for use against several cancers, including melanoma, ovarian cancer, 

prostate cancer, breast cancer, colorectal cancer, lung cancer, liver cancer, non Hodgkin's lymphoma, 

stomach cancer, nasopharyngeal carcinoma and astrocytoma etc.

Cancer-Healer medicine is working successfully in this aspect


Antigen vaccines stimulate the immune system by using individual antigens rather than using whole tumor 

cells that contain many thousands of antigens. Scientists have recently discovered the genetic codes of many 

antigens. By using gene-splicing techniques, they can mass-produce these antigens in the lab. Or, some 

antigens can now be made entirely from synthetic chemicals. When these antigens are produced in the lab, 

scientists can change them in ways that make them more easily recognized by the immune system's cells.

Dr. Hari Krishna says, like Cancer-Healer his new technology means that large amounts of these very 

specific antigens can now be given to many patients. We know that some antigens cause an immune 

response in patients with certain cancers. Others produce immune reactions to more than one kind of cancer. 
Often scientists combine several antigens in each vaccine to cause a response to more than one of the 

antigens that may be present on cancer cells.

Antigen vaccines are being studied in patients with breast cancer, colorectal cancer, ovarian cancer, 

melanoma, pancreatic cancer, and other cancers.

Cancer-Healer medicine is working same as antigen vaccine & stops heredity cancer


When antigens are injected into the body as a vaccine, they may produce the desired immune response at 

first, but often are less effective over time because antibodies rapidly attach to them and immune system cells 

destroy them. So, scientists have looked for a way to provide a steady supply of antigens to stimulate an 

ongoing immune response.

Deoxyribonucleic acid, or DNA, is the material in the nucleus (center) of cells that contains the genetic code 

for proteins that cells produce. Instead of injecting antigens into the patient, scientists can now inject bits of 

DNA that instruct the patient's cells to continuously produce certain antigens. These therapies are called 

DNA vaccines. Scientists may also remove cells from the patient, which are returned to the patient after 

being treated with DNA containing instructions on making a particular antigen. The altered cell then produces
the antigen on an ongoing basis to keep the immune response strong.

Researchers have learned to use the tools of recombinant DNA technology ("gene splicing") to do the same 

thing with substances other than tumor antigens (cytokines, for example). Not all immunotherapies using 

DNA are vaccines, technically speaking, but their goals are all the same -- a steady supply of whatever 

substance is being used to stimulate the immune system. And, not all treatments using DNA are 

immunotherapies. Other types of gene therapy replace the damaged genes responsible for the cancer cell's 

abnormal growth, or add new genes that make the cancer cells more sensitive to anticancer drugs.

Dr Krishna Reviews on immunotherapy helps in Cancer Treatment



What is Immunotherapy ?

Dr. Hari Krishna says that Immunotherapy is treatment that stimulates one's own 

immune system to fight cancer. The immune system is your own natural defense system 

against disease. Biologic response modifiers and biologic therapy are other terms used to 

describe immunotherapy.

Dr. Krishna says regarding immunotherapy as the "fourth modality" or forth way of 

treating cancer. The other three are surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy. 

Immunotherapy is sometimes used by itself, but is most often used as an adjuvant therapy 

(along with or after another therapy) to add to the anticancer effects of the main therapy.


The body's immune system is a collection of organs, specialized cells, and substances that 

helps protects the body from disease. The specialized cells and substances circulate 

throughout the body to protect the body from microorganisms (germs) that cause 

infections and from cancer.

To understand how the immune system works, think of the body as a country, and the 

immune system as the country's defense forces. Think of viruses, bacteria, and cancer cell 

as hostile, foreign army, because they are not an original part of the body, and they want 

to use the body's resources to serve their own purposes, and harm to the body in the 


Microorganisms such as viruses, bacteria, and parasites contain some substances also 

present in the human body's own tissues. These germs contain foreign substances that are 

not normally present in the body. these substances cause the immune system to react to 

the germs, "recognizing" them as foreign. Anything that causes the immune system to 

react is called an antigen , from the Greek words anti , meaning against , and gen , 

meaning to produce. Antigens produce a reaction that can lead the immune system to 

destroy both the antigen and anything the antigen is attached to or part of, such as a 

bacterial cell or cancer cell.

Cancer cells have unusual substances on their outer surfaces that can act as antigens, 

marking the cells as different or abnormal. That difference acts as a red flag to the 

immune system cells that recognize and attack foreign substances found in the body. But, 

in general, the immune system is much better at recognizing germs than cancer cells. 

Germs are truly "foreign" to the body, and their cells differ from normal human cells. In 

contrast, the differences between normal cells and cancer cells are subtler. Continuing the 

military analogy, they are less like soldiers of an invading army and more like traitors 

within the rank of the human cell population.

The immune system 's response to antigens is a precisely coordinated process that uses 

the many types of cells that make up the immune system. Most cells of the immune 

system are referred to as lymphocytes. Several types of lymphocytes work together to 

attack cancer cells. These include B cells, T cells, and natural killer (NK) cells. Antigen- 

presenting cells, such as macrophages and dendritic cells are not lymphocytes, but work 

closely with lymphocytes to fight cancer.

B cell and plasma cells:

B cells are formed and develop in the bone marrow, which is the soft ,spongy inner part of 

some bones. B cells accumulate in lymph nodes and some internal organs such as the 

spleen. Lymph nodes are bean sized collections of immune system cells that are found 

through out the body and are interconnected by small vein-like channels called Lymphatic 

vessels. B cells cannot directly destroy germs or cancer cells by themselves ,but they play 

an important role in immune defenses by producing antibodies. When a B cell is getting 

ready to produce lots of antibody, it turns into another cell type called a plasma cell. 

Antibodies are large proteins that circulate throughout the body in the blood and 

lymphatic vessels. one way the immune system reacts to the foreign antigen (substance 

that does not belong in the body ) is by producing antibodies. The antibodies produced by 

this immune response will recognize and bind (attach) to the antigen, but not to other 

substances that are part of normal human cells and tissues. The binding of the antibody to 

an antigen does not directly destroy the cancer cell. But, antibody binding may mark the 

site of an undesirable cell or germ and set off a chain of events that can lead to its 

destruction. This destruction may involve other immune system cells such as 

macrophages that are attracted by the bound antibody. Or, an antibody stuck to the 

antigen may attract certain blood proteins known as complement proteins that set off a 

chain of reactions that destroys the cancer cell by punching holes in its outer membrane.

T cells:

Some lymphocytes that are formed in the bone marrow enter the bloodstream before 

they are fully mature. From the bloodstream, they will enter the thymus (a small gland in 

the chest in front of the heart and behind the breast bone) where they mature and gain 

new disease-fighting properties. Once they leave the thymus gland, they are known as T-

cells (named from the T in thymus). T cells accumulate in the lymph nodes and spleen , 

where they work together with other immune system cells. Special molecules similar to 

antibodies are present on the surface of T cells, which allow them to recognize and react 

to parasites, cancer cells, and cells infected by viruses.

There are two main kind of T cells and they perform different tasks. One is the cytotoxic T 

lymphocyte. Cytotoxic means poisonous to a cell. These are also known as killer T cells. 

When a killer T cell comes in contact with the cancer cell it recognizes, it gives off 

substances that destroy the cancer cells. The other type of T cell is the helper T cell. These 

cells do not directly kill cancer cell or germs, but help B cells and cytotoxic T cells to work 

more effectively.

Antigen-presenting cells (APCs):

There are several types of APCs, such as monocytes, macrophages, and dendritic cells. 

These cells are important because they help lymphocytes recognize antigens on cancer cells.

Natural killer (NK) cells:

Lymphocytes called natural killer (NK) cells attach themselves to cancer cells through 

molecules on their outer surfaces sticking to the antigen on the cancer cells. Once they are 

in contact with the cancer cells, the NK cells may then separate from the cancer cell and 

go on to attack and kill other cancer cells.


Macrophages ( from the Greek makros , meaning large, and phagein , meaning to eat) are 

attracted by the binding of antibody to antigen. Macrophages start out as monocytes that 

are produced by the bone marrow and released into the bloodstream. Some monocytes 

leave the bloodstream and enter tissues and organs to become macrophages capable of 

surrounding and "eating" cells. Both monocytes and macrophages can act as APCs to help 

start an immune response.

dendritic cells:

Dendritic cells are a type of antigen-presenting cell found in lymph nodes, the skin, and 

some internal organs.